Rainbow Moon Out on PS4 This Month
04 Feb 2016
We are excited to announce that our Rainbow engine has been successfully ported to the PlayStation 4. While the entire team is working hard on Rainbow Skies, you will soon be able to play the first game in the franchise, Rainbow Moon, on the PlayStation 4.
Rainbow Moon will launch on PS4 in the Americas on February 16, followed by a European release on February 17. Release dates for Asia and Japan will be confirmed later. The game will be priced at $14.99 / €14.99 / £11.99. If you already own Rainbow Moon on either PS3 or PS Vita, you can upgrade to the PS4 release at a ~50% discount.
The PlayStation 4 version has been improved with updated dialog, shortened load times and a number of smaller fixes. Rainbow Moon supports Cross-Save across PS4, PS3, PS Vita, so you can carry over your save and keep playing on the PS4.
We understand that a lot of you are eagerly waiting for news on Rainbow Skies. Here is a brief summary of what we've been working on recently, including two new screenshots.

- Main story: The main story is now completely playable. We are still tweaking and correcting a few things here and there.
- Puzzles: We've added a large variety of dungeon puzzles.
- Map system: The new map system includes a number of new functions and is nearly complete now.
- GUI updates: One of the biggest updates that we are working on at the moment. The UI will be completely reworked for Rainbow Skies.
- Intro & Outro: Eanan is composing the music for the game's intro & outro. First results sound very promising. We hope to share something soon!
- and a lot more...
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